Berlin 2037 – VR Experience
Experience the future of Berlin like never before with our cutting-edge VR project. Developed by NowHere Media and produced by Vincent Productions, this immersive experience transports users to a realistic and interactive virtual world. This unique experience combines the physical activity of cycling with the immersive power of virtual reality to create a truly unforgettable experience. But that’s not all – the VR experience features Golden Globe nominee and Berliner Helena Zengel as a key character, adding an extra layer of realism and immersion. Users will have the chance to interact with a real-life actor in the virtual world, making the experience even more engaging and memorable. As the VR experience is in its final stages of production, it is clear that a great deal of care and attention has gone into its development. Advanced graphics and interactive elements ensure that users feel fully immersed in the virtual world, and the opportunity to explore the future of Berlin with a talented actor like Helena Zengel is truly one-of-a-kind.
Role @ Volucap GmbH:
Volumetric Artist
Project Link:
Berlin 2037 – VR Experience